How the Heck Does it Work?

By October 3, 2020Blog

So, you’ve spent months of blood, sweat and tears growing your crops, they are looking beautiful and you are ready to get your hard work on the market. What do you do? Why, you call Agfinity, of course, because Agfinity works to “harvest the best grain trading opportunities” for you, the customer! That’s the truth! How the heck does it all work though, you ask? Well, let me tell you!

There are many steps to marketing your grain and we work to make it as simple as possible. Here’s the general gist of how it will go when working with us:

  1. You may call your favorite trader at Agfinity, or they may reach out to you with a great opportunity. You agree that it sounds great and your trader posts your grain up as an offer for our buyers to see.
  2. When our buyers have seen your offer they may love it immediately and send back a bid on it or they may need to adjust an aspect of the offer, maybe price, movement timeline, number of loads, etc. and then they will send back a counter bid on your offer. Once received, your favorite trader will bring those options back to you for a decision.
  3. When you have found a bid that you like and both parties are in agreement, a deal has been brokered! Yay, you’ve marketed your hard work for another year! What’s next, you say?!
  4. Well, now that an agreement has been reached your favorite trader will build and send out a Brokernote, essentially a summary of the details of the agreement, to be sent to all parties involved (you, the seller, and the buyer and the trucker, if Agfinity is arranging the trucking).
  5. You will receive the Brokernote by email, fax, or good old snail-mail, if you don’t have any options for electronic receipt. Once you get that paper in your physical or electronic hands, then what?! Well, then we ask that you review the details to make sure that everything is as you agreed over the telephone and then send back a signed copy to Agfinity. This assures us that you have double checked for any errors and are fully in agreement with the deal to move foward. As a side note, some buyers may send their own contract to you, the seller, as well, for their own records.
  6. Perfect, we have a signed copy of the Brokernote on file ensuring us that you agree and that there are no errors. Now its time for your grain to get wheels under it and head to its new home. Trucking can be scheduled by the buyer or by Agfinity, depending on the deal. Every now and then a seller will also haul their own grain. To set up movement you will be contacted by the trucker to arrange pick up and delivery to the new home. Agfinity’s Customer Experience Coordinator is available to answer your questions and assist if you ever need any information on the scheduling and movement of your grain.
  7. Woot, woot! Your grain is on its way to its new home. The process is working! At some point in this process you may receive another piece of paper in your email or fax. Depending on the buyer that purchases your grain (a few buyers will pay the full brokerage fee), you will receive an invoice from Agfinity for the brokerage fee for assisting in the marketing of your grain. You will be able to see this noted on your Brokernote. This invoice will arrive within a month of the scheduled movement end date of your contract or within several days of the last load moving if it is complete early. We send out the invoice prior to or just at the end of the contract so that you have all your paperwork together, but we don’t expect payment for brokerage fees until you have received payment from the buyer. However, if you prefer to take care of things right away, we are happy to take your payment at any time!
  8. Excellent, your grain has moved on to its new home! Now, you will remember way back to the beginning of this deal, the very first piece of paperwork you would have received from Agfinity was the Brokernote detailing this deal! Right! Well, that bit of documentation will have the details of your payment terms on it. Of course, you read it and approved it back at the beginning, but sometimes there is a significant amount of time between booking a contract and it moving and details all blend and can slip the mind. It happens to the best of us! That piece of paper will tell you when you should be receiving your payment from the buyer. We have all sorts of buyers with all sorts of payment terms, 10 days, 15 days, 21 days, 30 days, etc. These payment term days are all based on the date the last load in your contract moved. Don’t worry, as I mentioned, we all can have details slip our minds or we all get to wondering if things are on track. If you get those feelings, give us a call and have chat with our Customer Experience Coordinator. She can check to ensure your payment is on track and confirm the timelines for you.
  9. Phew, we are almost done! That much coveted cheque or electronic funds transfer has arrived in your hands! Finally, the fruits of your hard labour! If you need clarification on your pay summary, feel free reach out to Agfinity, we are happy to walk through it with you and ensure that everything checks out! The last step now is to send your brokerage fee payment to Agfinity, if you haven’t already. To make things easier for you we can take credit card payments on the phone or via secure online payments or by e-transfer, to save you a trip to the post office. Or you are welcome to pop a good old cheque in the mail!
  10. That’s all! Deal done! Check! Now on to the next bin of grain to market! We are always here to give you a hand!

Because Farming is Forever
Amy Billett

Thank you Sheldon Krahn for this beautiful harvest pic!

Market Report – by Joseph Billett

Barley: Bids are still strong, while line company export demand stays bullish. 310 000 tonnes of Barley have been exports in the past 7 weeks based on the CGC. Feedlots have had to stay competitive on their pricing to stay in the fight, but are getting covered for October and are now buying into Nov – Dec. QUICK MOVEMENT PREMIUMS WILL BE HARD TO FIND, NOVEMBER – DECMEBER IS THE BUYERS WINDOW NOW.

Wheat: Milling Wheat bids for 1 CWRS 13.5% around the $6.75-7.00bu level but buyers appear to be entertaining higher targets. Anticipated moisture for the Black Sea Region for the next 2 weeks, they are having dryness concerns with their wheat crop. This along with losses in Minneapolis, Kansas City and Chicago around 29-30 cents, respectively.

Oats: #2 CW Oats have also seen a significant increase in export demand this year. Based on the Alberta Crop Progress Report from September 22 last week Oats were 68% quality for a #1-2CW keeping in mind only 29.1% of the Oats in Alberta have been harvested. Saskatchewan is at 71% complete as of September 21. Delivered prices are ranging from $3.50 – 3.70/bu depending on location and delivery timeframe.

Peas: We are seeing that supplies of green peas could be up 12% in 2020/21 while yellow supplies would be down by 2%. Good job, farmers have already delivered 1.275 mln tonnes of peas and over a quarter of total Pea production has already been shipped. China did not take a lot of Peas in August and September, but analysts expect a sharp recovery in October. Peas prices globally are increasing based on growing demand as well as an 8% downturn in Black Sea pea crop decreasing export for them.

Canola: As harvest marches on Canola looks decent but some tears have been shed, analysts have seen reduced yield overall, by 0.5 bu/acre. 1,361,000 tonnes have already exported this year slightly higher than 2019. Demand has been strong for crush canola as well. China imports were sluggish in August, they again will be the deciding factor this coming year.

This is an overview of the main points from the USDA’s Quarterly Grain Stocks and US wheat production estimates form yesterday’s report.

US Stockpiles on Sept. 1, 2020 (million bushels)

Actual AverageUSDA
USDA ForecastRangeJune 2020

US Wheat Production (million bushels)

Actual Average
USDA ForecastRangeUSDA August
All Wheat1,8261,8351,817-1,8501,838
Winter Wheat1,1711,1951,185-1,2041,198
Hard Red Winter659692684-700695
Soft Red Winter266276272-280277
White Winter246227224-230226
Other Spring586578568-590577

Thank you Tammie Edelher for this great photo!

Buyer Brief – by Sandra Correia-Letendre

As we come up to the end of the month, we look back thankfully to a lot of the good weather we had in most of Alberta. This has allowed for continued harvest progress. According to the Alberta Crop Report September 22, 2020, crops in the bin were at 45% and crops combined at 48 % compared to the last 5- and 10-year averages sitting at 41% and 45%.

Combined Barley for the province is at 66%. The last couple weeks we saw more of it come to the market, but prices had still spiked up. Some say the cause for the spike is due to export Markets i.e.) China’s demand for Canadian Feed Barley as a result of its restrictions on Australian barley imports. Barley reached as high as $235-$238/mt delivered Lethbridge mid last week for October movement. It has declined slightly, approximately $5/mt, as buyers fill up for October and have limited space for November. Sellers were also bulled up from last week and are not budging much on price. In talking with a few buyers, it sounds like feedlots are dropping their bids into October. We are no longer seeing premiums for quick movement.

As we continue to see good quality wheat come to the market during this harvest, we have a void for feedlots seeking feed wheat. This may push up the price for Feed Wheat if there is less and less coming to the market. Feed wheat prices this week are approximately $235-$240/mt delivered Lethbridge for October-December movement.

The last few days we have seen the market slow down a bit as most sellers are focused on quick movement and buyers are wanting to bid on further out movement. There is still a lot of grain to come to the market as we are halfway through harvest, lets see what the next couple weeks bring.

Seller’s tip: Buyers are already bidding for Jan – Mar 2021. If you can store your grain, you can get better prices for further out movement. Call us today so we can talk through the best strategies for you. 1-888-969-5552

County Pricing

Athabasca County

prices are subject to market change
CW Feed Barley
October $4.10-4.20/bushel
November-December: $4.25-4.30/bushel
#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
October $10.85-11.05/bushel
November-December: $11.10-11.30/bushel
Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
September-October: $4.50-5.50/bushel
Feed Faba Beans
September-October: $6.00/ bushel
#2 Faba Beans
October-December $7.35-7.40/bushel
#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
October-December $7.85-7.90/bushel
#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
October-November: $3.00-3.10/bushel
Feed Oats (depending on quality)
October-November: $2.60-2.70/bushel
#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $6.20-6.30/bushel
CW Feed HRS Wheat
October-November: $5.60-5.85/ bushel
#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $6.45-6.60/bushel
#2 Yellow Peas
October-December $6.70-6.80/bushel
Feed Yellow Peas
October-December $6.15/bushel
* Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email

Need a price for something else? Please email or give or give us a call!

Calgary Area

(prices are subject to market change)
CW Feed Barley
November-December $4.65/bushel
January-March $4.76/bushel
October $4.63/bushel
#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
November $10.99/bushel
December $11.05/bushel
May $11.38/bushel
Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Prices Vary Depending on the percentage of Heated *Call For Bid
#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-December $7.50- $7.60/bushel
#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
October $3.20/bushel
November-December $3.30/bushel
January-March $3.35/bushel
Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-October: $2.70-2.80/bushel
#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
September-October: $5.50-5.60/bushel
#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-October $5.90-$6.10/bushel
CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-October: $5.35/bushel
#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-October $5.80-6.20/bushel
#2 Yellow Peas
September-October $6.50-6.60/bushel
Feed Yellow Peas
September-October: $5.90-$6.00/bushel
*Give us a call to discuss placing a target Amanda w/ Agfinity @ 587-323-9167 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 111 with your legal land description for a price or email me @

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

Camrose County

(prices are subject to market change)
CW Feed Barley
October $4.40-4.45/bushel
November-December $4.50-4.55/bushel
#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
October-November $11.15-11.20/bushel
Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
October-November: $4.50-5.50/bushel
Feed Faba Beans
October-November: $6.00-6.20/bushel
#2 Faba Beans
October-December $7.85-7.90/bushel
#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
October-December $8.00-8.40/bushel
#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
October-December $3.00-3.15/bushel
Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-October $2.60-2.70/bushel
#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
October-December $5.90-6.05/bushel
#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $6.20-6.35/bushel
December-January: $6.40-6.50/bushel
CW Feed CPSR Wheat
October-December $5.60-5.90/bushel
#1CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
September-October: $5.50-5.60/bushel
CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-October: $5.60-5.90/bushel
#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $6.45-6.75/bushel
#2 Yellow Peas
October-December $7.00-7.40/bushel
Feed Yellow Peas
September-October $6.00-6.25/bushel
*Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email
Need a price for something else? Please email or give Erin a call!

Grande Prairie County

(prices are subject to market change)
CW Feed Barley
October: $3.70-3.80/bushel
November-December: $3.80-3.90/bushel
#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
October-December $10.80-11.10/bushel
Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
September-October: $4.50-5.50/bushel
Feed Faba Beans
September-October: $5.50-6.00/ bushel
#2 Faba Beans
October-December $6.70-6.75/bushel
#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
October-December $7.50-7.60/bushel
#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
October-November: $2.90-3.05/bushel
Feed Oats (depending on quality)
October-November: $2.20-2.40/ bushel
#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
October-November: $5.40-5.60/bushel
#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $5.70-6.00/bushel
CW Feed CPSR Wheat @ the bin
October-November: $5.00-5.50/ bushel
#1CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
October-November: $5.40-5.60/bushel
CW Feed HRS Wheat @ the bin
October-November: $5.00-5.50/ bushel
#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $5.90-6.60/bushel
#2 Yellow Peas
October-November $6.30-6.45/bushel
Feed Yellow Peas
October-December $5.90-6.15/bushel
Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email Need a price for something else? Please email or give us a call!

Leduc County

(prices are subject to market change)
CW Feed Barley
October $4.40-4.45/bushel
November-December: $4.45-4.50/bushel
#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
October-November $11.00-11.50/bushel
Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
October-November: $4.50-5.50/bushel
Feed Faba Beans
October-November: $5.50-6.00/ bushel
#2 Faba Beans
October-December $7.50-7.55/bushel
#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
October-November $8.10/bushel
#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
October-November: $3.10-3.30/bushel
Feed Oats (depending on quality)
October-November: $2.70/bushel
#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
October: $6.05-6.10/bushel
November-December: $6.15-6.20/bushel
#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $5.80-$6.40/bu picked up
CW Feed CPSR Wheat
October-December $5.60-5.90/bushel
CW Feed HRS Wheat
October-December $5.60-5.90/bushel
#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $6.20-$6.60/bu
#2 Yellow Peas
October-December $6.90-7.00/bushel
Feed Yellow Peas
October-December $5.90-6.15/bushel
Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email
Need a price for something else? Please email or give or give us a call!

Lethbridge County

CW Feed Barley
October-December: $4.80-$5.00/bushel
January-March: $5.00- $5.11
#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
October-December: $10.70-$11.40/bushel
January-March: $11.50- $11.75/bushel
Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Prices Vary Depending on the percentage of Heated *Call For Bid
#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-October: $3.20-3.35/bushel
Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-October: $2.70-2.90/bushel
#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
September-October: $5.60-5.70/bushel
#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-October $6.00-6.40/bushel
CW Feed CPSR Wheat
#1CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
September-October: $5.60-5.70/bushel
CW Feed HRS Wheat
#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-October $6.40-6.50/bushel
#2 Yellow Peas
September-October: $6.80-7.00/bushel
Feed Yellow Peas
Aug: $6.00-6.50/bushel
*Give us a call to discuss placing a target Amanda w/ Agfinity @ 587-323-9167 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 111 with your legal land description for a price or email me @

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

Mackenzie County

(prices are subject to market change)
CW Feed Barley
October: $3.40-3.60/bushel
November-December: $3.60-3.70/bushel
#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
October-November: $10.40-10.50/bushel
Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
October-November: $4.50-5.50/bushel
Feed Faba Beans
October-November: $5.50/ bushel
#2 Faba Beans
October-December $6.30/bushel
#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
October-November $7.15/bushel
#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
October-November $2.50-2.70/bushel
Feed Oats (depending on quality)
October-November: $2.00-2.30/ bushel
#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
CW Feed CPSR Wheat
October-November: $4.40-4.60/ bushel
CW Feed HRS Wheat
October-November: $4.40-4.60/ bushel
#2 Yellow Peas
October-November $5.90-6.00/bushel
Feed Yellow Peas
October-November: $5.50-5.80/bushel
Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email

Need a price for something else? Please email or give or give us a call!

Newell County

(prices are subject to market change)
CW Feed Barley
October-December $4.40-$4.50/bushel
January-March $4.60-$4.80/bushel
#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
October-December: $10.60-$11.19/bushel
January-March: $11.25- $11.45/bushel
Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Prices Vary Depending on the percentage of Heated *Call For Bid
#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-October: $7.20-7.60/bushel
#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-October: $3.00-3.10/bushel
Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-October: $2.60-2.70/bushel
#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
September-October $5.43-$5.60/bushel
#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-October $5.80-6.20/bushel
CW Feed CPSR Wheat
September-October: $4.80-5.30/bushel
#1CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
September-October: $5.50-5.60/bushel
CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-October: $5.20-5.50/bushel
#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-October $5.70-6.20/bushel
#2 Yellow Peas
September-October: $6.20-$6.40/bushel
Feed Yellow Peas
September-October: $5.90-6.00/bushel
*Give us a call to discuss placing a target Amanda w/ Agfinity @ 587-323-9167 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 111 with your legal land description for a price or email me @

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

Paintearth County

(prices are subject to market change)
CW Feed Barley
October-December: $4.50/bushel
January-March: $4.50-$4.70/bushel
#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
October-December: $10.70-$10.90/bushel
January-March $11.00-$11.25/bushel
Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
*Call for Bid
#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-October: $7.60-7.80/bushel
#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-October: $3.15-3.25/bushel
Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-October: $2.60-2.80/bushel
#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
$0.10-0.25/bushel discount to #2CW bids
CW Feed CPSR Wheat
September-October: $5.20-5.30/bushel
CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-October: $5.30-5.50/bushel
#2 Yellow Peas
September-October: $6.30-$6.50/bushel
Feed Yellow Peas
September-October: $5.90-6.15/bushel
Give me a call to put in a target today or for pricing, Amanda @ 1-888-969-5552 ext (111) or my direct line @ 587-323-9167 or email

Parkland County

(prices are subject to market change)
CW Feed Barley
October: $4.30-4.45/bushel
November-December: $4.50-4.60/bushel
#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
October-November $11.00-11.25/bushel
Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
October-November: $4.50-5.50/bushel
Feed Faba Beans
October-November: $5.50-6.00/ bushel
#2 Faba Beans
October-December $7.40-7.45/bushel
#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
October-November $7.90-8.10/bushel
#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
October-December $3.15-3.25/bushel
Feed Oats (depending on quality)
October-November: $2.60-2.80/ bushel,
#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
$0.10-0.25/bushel discount to 2cw bids.
#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
October-November: $5.60-5.80/bushel
#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $6.00-6.30/bushel
CW Feed CPSR Wheat
October-November: $5.60-$5.90/bushel
#1CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
October-November: $5.50-5.60/bushel
CW Feed HRS Wheat
October-November: $5.60-$5.80/bushel
#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October: $6.00-$6.60/bu
November-December: $6.60-6.75/bushel
#2 Yellow Peas
October-December $6.90-7.00/bushel
Feed Yellow Peas
October-December $5.90-6.15/bushel
Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email
Need a price for something else? Please email or give or give us a call!

Peace River County

(prices are subject to market change)
CW Feed Barley
October: $3.70-3.80/bushel
November-December: $3.80-3.90/bushel
#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
October-November: $10.50-10.70/bushel
Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
October-November: $4.50-5.50/bushel
Feed Faba Beans
October-November: $5.50-6.00/ bushel
#2 Faba Beans
October-December $6.70-6.80/bushel
#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
October-November $7.40-7.50/bushel
#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
October-November: $2.70-3.00/bushel
Feed Oats (depending on quality)
October-November: $2.10-2.30/ bushel
#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
$0.10-0.25/bushel discount to 2cw bids.
#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
October-November: $5.40-5.60/bushel
#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $5.70-6.00/bushel
CW Feed CPSR Wheat
October-November: $4.70-5.30/ bushel
#1CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
October-November: $5.50-5.60/bushel
CW Feed HRS Wheat
October-November: $4.70-5.30/ bushel
#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $6.20-6.45/bushel
#2 Yellow Peas
October-November: $6.40-6.60/bushel
Feed Yellow Peas
October-November: $5.90-6.15/ bushel
Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email Need a price for something else? Please email or give or give us a call!

Red Deer County

(prices are subject to market change)
CW Feed Barley
October: $4.45-4.55/bushel
November-December: $4.60-4.70/bushel
#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
October: $11.10-11.20
November-December $11.20-11.35/bushel
Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
October-November: $4.50-5.50/bushel
Feed Faba Beans
October-November: $5.50-6.00/ bushel
#2 Faba Beans
October-December $7.80-7.90/bushel
#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
October-December $8.35-8.40/bushel
#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
October-November: $3.10-3.30/bushel
Feed Oats (depending on quality)
October-November: $2.40-2.60/bushel
#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
$0.10-0.25/bushel discount to 2cw bids.
#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
October: $5.60-5.80/bushel
November-December $6.00-6.10/bushel
#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $5.80-6.20/bu
CW Feed CPSR Wheat
October-November: $5.80-5.90/ bushel
#1CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
October-November: $5.40-5.60/bushel
CW Feed HRS Wheat
October-November: $5.80-5.90/ bushel
#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October: $6.30.0-6.60/bushel
November-December: $6.70/bushel
#2 Yellow Peas
October-December $7.35-7.40/bushel
Feed Yellow Peas
October-November: $5.90-6.15/ bushel
Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email
Need a price for something else? Please email or give or give us a call!

St. Paul County

(prices are subject to market change)
CW Feed Barley
October- December: $4.39-$4.45/bushel
January- March: $4.50-$4.69/bushel
#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
October-December: $10.60-$11.19/bushel
January-March: $11.25- $11.45/bushel
Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Prices Vary Depending on the percentage of Heated *Call For Bid
#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-October: $7.40-7.45/bushel
#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-October: $3.00-3.34/bushel
Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-October: $2.60-2.80/bushel
#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
$0.10-0.25/bushel discount to 2cw bids.
CW Feed CPSR Wheat
September-October: $5.00-5.20/bushel
CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-October: $5.00-5.20/bushel
#2 Yellow Peas
September-October: $6.40-6.45/bushel
Feed Yellow Peas
September-October: $5.90-6.00/bushel
*Give us a call to discuss placing a target Amanda w/ Agfinity @ 587-323-9167 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 111 with your legal land description for a price!

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

Stettler County

(prices are subject to market change)
CW Feed Barley
October: $4.45-4.55/bushel
November-December: $4.60-4.70/bushel
#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
October: $11.10-11.20
November-December $11.20-11.35/bushel
Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
October: $4.50-5.50/bushel
Feed Faba Beans
October-November: $5.50-6.00/ bushel
#2 Faba Beans
October-December $7.80-7.90/bushel
#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
October-December $7.80-7.90/bushel
#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
October-November: $3.00-3.20/bushel
Feed Oats (depending on quality)
October-November: $2.50-2.80/bushel
#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
$0.10-0.25/bushel discount to 2cw bids.
#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
October-November: $5.75-5.95/bushel
#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $5.80-6.20/bu
CW Feed CPSR Wheat
October-November: $5.60-5.90/ bushel
#1CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
October-November $5.75-5.95/bushel
CW Feed HRS Wheat
October-November: $5.60-5.90/ bushel
#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $6.50-6.80/bu
#2 Yellow Peas
October-December $6.95-7.15/bushel
Feed Yellow Peas
October-December: $5.95-6.20/ bushel
*Give us a call to discuss placing a target, Callor email with your legal land description for a price! Need a price for something else? Please email or give me a call!

Vermilion River County

(prices are subject to market change)
CW Feed Barley
October-December: $4.30-$4.40/bushel
January-March: $4.50-$4.70/bushel
#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
October-December: $10.60-$11.19/bushel
January-March: $11.25- $11.45/bushel
Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Prices Vary Depending on the percentage of Heated *Call For Bid
#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-December: $7.48-$7.58/bushel
#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-November: $3.15-3.25/bushel
Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-October: $2.70-2.80/bushel
#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
$0.10-0.25/bushel discount to #2CW bids.
#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
September-October: $5.50-5.60/bushel
#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-October $5.80-6.20/bushel
CW Feed CPSR Wheat
September-October: $5.20-$5.30/bushel (*)
#1CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
September-October: $5.50-5.60/bushel
CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-October: $5.20-$5.30/bushel (*)
#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-October $5.80-6.20/bushel
#2 Yellow Peas
September-October: $6.22-$6.32/bushel
Feed Yellow Peas
September-October: $5.90-$6.00/bushel
*Give us a call to discuss placing a target Amanda w/ Agfinity @ 587-323-9167 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 111 with your legal land description for a price or email me @

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

Westlock County

(prices are subject to market change)
CW Feed Barley
October $4.20-4.25/bushel
November-December: $4.30-4.40/bushel
#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
October-November: $11.00-11.20/bushel
Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Feed Faba Beans
October-November: $5.50-6.00/ bushel
#2 Faba Beans
October-December $7.40-7.60/bushel
#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
October-November $8.10-8.15/bushel
#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
October-November: $3.05-3.15/bushel
Feed Oats (depending on quality)
October-November: $2.40-2.60/ bushel
#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
$0.10-0.25/bushel discount to 2cw bids.
#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
October-November: $5.50-5.80/ bushel
#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $5.80-6.30/ bushel
CW Feed CPSR Wheat
October-November: $5.60-5.80/ bushel
#1CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
October-November: $5.50-5.80/ bushel
CW Feed HRS Wheat
October-November: 5.60-5.80/ bushel
#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $6.50-6.70/bushel
#2 Yellow Peas
October-November $6.96/bushel
Feed Yellow Peas
October-November: $5.70-6.15/ bushel
*Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email with your legal land description for a price! Need a price for something else? Please email or give or give us a call!

Wetaskiwin County

(prices are subject to market change)
CW Feed Barley
October: $4.40-4.45/bushel
November-December: $4.45-4.50/bushel
#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
October-November: $11.40-11.45/bushel
Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
October-November: $4.50-5.50/bushel
Feed Faba Beans
October-November: $5.50-6.00/ bushel
#2 Faba Beans
October-December $7.60-7.65/bushel
#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
October-December $8.10-8.15/bushel
#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
October-November: $3.10-3.25/bushel
Feed Oats (depending on quality)
October-November: $2.60-2.80/ bushel
#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
$0.10-0.25/bushel discount to 2cw bids
#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
October-November $5.90/bushel
#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $6.20-6.40/bushel
CW Feed CPSR Wheat
September-October: $5.60-5.90/bushel
#1CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
October-November: $5.50-5.90/ bushel
CW Feed HRS Wheat
October-November: $5.60-5.90/bushel
#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
October-November: $6.40-6.60/bushel
#2 Yellow Peas
September-November $6.70-6.90/bushel
Feed Yellow Peas
October-November: $5.80-6.15/bushel
Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email

Need a price for something else? Please email or give or give us a call!