Frequently Ask Questions:
Grain Brokerage, Grain Pricing & more

Welcome to Agfinity’s FAQ page! Explore for valuable insights into grain brokerage, market trends, pricing, and logistics. Whether you’re interested in determining grain prices or understanding our transparent selling process, Agfinity is your trusted partner in navigating the agriculture industry. Dive in to discover the expertise you need to thrive with us!

What are the core values of Agfinity?

1. Value Driven:
We are value producers, harvesting the best grain trading opportunities for our customers.

2. Innovative & Efficient:
We cultivate meaningful relationships through innovative systems, efficient processes, and transformative technology as we plow into the future of agriculture.

3. Empathy:
We give a damn. We deploy empathy over sympathy with our team and customers.

4. Transparency:
We believe that a handshake still matters. As a company, we strive to be unbiased, genuine, and transparent in everything we do.

What types of grains does Agfinity broker?

We broker cereal grain, pulses and oil seeds of all different grades and qualities.

What are the current market trends for the grains you handle?

Market trends vary but we provide up-to-date insights on fluctuations in grain prices and demand, through our Live Market integration.

What factors affect grain prices, and how do you monitor them?

Factors such as weather patterns, geopolitical events, currency fluctuations, and supply and demand dynamics influence grain prices, which we monitor closely through various market indicators and data sources.

Can I get quotes for my grain before committing to a sale?

Yes, we offer quotes for your grain to help you make informed selling decisions.

How do you ensure fair pricing for farmers?

We ensure fair pricing through transparent pricing mechanisms, market analysis, and our commitment to equitable trading practices.

What are your payment terms and methods?

Payment terms and methods vary depending on the specific arrangement, but we offer flexible options tailored to the needs of our clients. If you’d like to learn more, we encourage you to contact a broker in your area.

Do you handle both conventional and organic grains?

Yes, we handle both conventional and organic grains to accommodate diverse market preferences.

How do you assist farmers in navigating market volatility?

We provide market insights, risk management strategies, and tailored guidance to help farmers navigate market volatility effectively.

Can you provide insights or forecasts on future grain prices?

While we can provide insights based on market analysis, forecasts on future grain prices are subject to market uncertainties and fluctuations.

What geographical regions do you operate in?

Agfinity operates in Northern BC, Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

Are there any quality standards or specifications you require for the grains?

Accurate specifications facilitate smoother transactions for your grain. If you don’t have the exact specs available, we can proceed with a ‘subject to sample’ arrangement. In this setup, the buyer will conduct a test on the grain. If it meets their specifications, they will proceed with the purchase. Regardless of the quality, we will always try to post and find a buyer for your grain.

How do you ensure transparency throughout the trading process?

We ensure transparency through clear communication and documentation. All our completed trades are posted in real time on our website and within our Agfinity app, allowing you to see what we have traded in the past.

What sets Agfinity apart from other grain brokers in the industry?

At Agfinity, we provide unique advantages including the ability to post your grain for pricing discovery at no cost. Our free app offers features such as viewing trade history in your area, accessing the Agfinity grain calculator for local pricing, and providing a live futures feed.

How do you handle disputes or issues with grain deliveries?

We have a dedicated Customer Experience Team to handle disputes or issues with grain deliveries promptly and professionally, ensuring satisfactory resolution for all parties involved.

What are the benefits of working with a grain broker?

Working with a grain broker provides access to market exposure and streamlines the trading process, offering efficiency for farmers. We take the legwork out of selling your grain—instead of you needing to shop it around, we find the best opportunities, handle contract development, and manage the logistics of transportation, eliminating your worries about logistics or delivery.

What is Agfinity’s selling process?

Connect with us via phone to discuss your needs, and our team will provide insights into current prices and market trends. Agfinity then posts your grain on our website for free bidding, with no obligations. If you accept a bid, we manage transportation and ensure contracts align with the agreed-upon terms.

What is the cost of posting grain with Agfinity?

There is typically no cost for posting grain with Agfinity; however, brokerage fees may apply upon successful transactions.

What are Agfinity’s brokerage fees?

$5.35/metric tonne for sellers and $2.35/metric tonne for buyers. However, some buyers may offer to cover the brokerage fee. Contact us
to learn more about your options!

How can Agfinity assist with logistics for transporting grain?

Agfinity assists with logistics for transporting grain by coordinating with trusted carriers, optimizing routes, and ensuring timely delivery.

Who contacts whom – trucking, buyers, etc.?

Depending on the arrangement, Agfinity initiates contact for logistics, transportation, and payment. Essentially, all you’ll need to do is communicate with your local broker until a contract is finalized, and our customer support team will handle the rest!

Does Agfinity have an app?

We are happy to offer a Grain Marketing App that is both free to download and free to use. You can easily access and download the app by clicking here

What services does your app provide?

Our app offers a range of convenient services, allowing users to view trade history in their area, utilize the Agfinity Grain Calculator, access local pricing, and stay updated with a live futures feed.

What type of contracts does Agfinity offer?

Agfinity has been offering two types of contracts for years: a Broker Note or a Grain Purchase Contract (GPC). The choice between them depends on the preference of the producer.


Broker Note:

1. We source the optimal buyer for your grain by gathering multiple bids. Once collected, we present them to you for approval on price, delivery timeline, and quantity.

2. The buyer pays you directly for your grain.

3. You will receive an invoice for the brokerage that is above the agreed to net price on the broker note.

4. The brokerage fee can be paid by the buyer, the seller, or split between the two depending on the broker note terms.

5. If it’s a delivered freight by Agfinity the Seller pays for freight.

6. Payment terms typically range from 10 to 21 days, depending on the buyers’ terms.


Grain Purchase Contract (GPC):

1. We source the optimal buyer for your grain by gathering multiple bids. Once collected, we present them to you for approval on price, delivery timeline, and quantity.

2. Agfinity pays you directly for your grain, eliminating the need for you to handle brokerage fees or invoices.

3. Payment is issued within a set timeframe after the last load, with options for more frequent payments for larger contracts.

4. Brokerage is already included in the seller’s net price.

5. You receive email notifications about any potential issues such as dockage, bushel weight, moisture issues or foreign materials, with your grain.

6. You will receive payment based on contract payment terms.

What are Agfinity's payment terms?

Payment terms will differ based on the type of contract you’ve signed.

If you have signed a Broker Note you will receive payment within 10 to 21 business days.

If you’ve signed a Grain Purchase Contract (GPC), payment terms can vary depending on the negotiated terms with the buyer. Contracts may vary in duration, whether outlined by business or calendar days. Contracts created on or after June 1st, 2024, will be paid out within 21 to 42 business days.

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we’ll be happy to help!